200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in DehradunYoga needs no introduction as many people practice it all over the world. Kunwar Yoga is one of the known names when it comes to different Yoga courses. The institute is well known in Dehradun as there are students from all over the world that enroll in the various courses that are offered by the institute. 

This gives you the freedom to choose the course that matches your requirements and other aspects that are related to it. You can assess all the courses that are offered by us and opt for the one that will make it easy for you to start a successful career in Yoga. 

As most of the people in today’s time prefer to do yoga to maintain a healthy lifestyle, this is why there are many opportunities that you can come across while planning to start a career in Yoga. It will also have a positive impact on your health along with making it easy to start a promising career in Yoga. 

Most of the people who want to start a career in Yoga, the most common mistake they make is that they don’t choose the right institute and the right course. If you are a beginner or you have the basic knowledge of Yoga, you can choose a course as per that. By selecting the right course in Yoga, it will become easy for you to become a professional Yoga teacher.

200 Hour Yoga TTC in DehradunGet certification after completion of the course
The need for certification is something that you cannot overlook when you plan to learn anything new. Once you complete the yoga course from our institute, a certificate will be provided to you, this is what will help you to become a professional yoga teacher. 

If you are planning to join 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun, then our institute is certainly one of the best ones to choose from. The course includes all the postures and theories related to the Yoga sciences that will make it easy for you to become a professional teacher of Yoga.

Who can choose the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun ?

The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun that is organized by Kunwar Yoga is for the people who want to start a career in Yoga as professionals. All the things are there in this yoga course that will make it easy for you to become a good trainer.

As the functional knowledge of yoga is more important, this is why we at Kunwar Yoga make sure that we train people in a way that they can easily start their career in Yoga without facing any difficulty. If you have the basic knowledge of Yoga, then this is certainly the best course for you to choose from. 

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in DehradunThere are many other courses that we offer
Apart from the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun, many other courses are offered at our institute. It depends on the aspirants if they want to opt for part-time or long-term yoga courses, we offer all types of courses that can make it easy for people to start their career in Yoga.

Depending on your interest related to yoga and the knowledge that you have, you can choose the course that will help you to manage your time well along with learning yoga for starting a career in it. 

Our courses are well designed and we not only focus on all the postures of yoga, but we are also very particular about teaching theory as this is what helps the aspirants to become better professionals. If you aspire to become a yoga teacher, then the courses provided by us can play a great role in shaping your career.

We follow all the modern techniques that make it easy for the aspirants to understand all the important aspects that we teach in our yoga classes. We also ensure to pay proper attention to the doubts of students so that they can learn everything efficiently. 

The schedule that we follow for the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun includes Mantra chanting, spiritual practices, and different Yoga postures. As the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun is an advance level course, that’s why we focus on the in-depth knowledge of yoga that can also help you to become a knowledgeable professional to teach your future students.

200 Hour Yoga TTC in Dehradun

Fee structure

The fee structure that is offered by our institute is less as compared to the other institutes that are there in Dehradun. We make sure that we offer the best classes and services to all the aspirants that opt for the courses that are provided by our institute.

Our institute is internationally recognized, this is what makes us the best to choose when it comes to yoga teacher training. 

Learn from the experts

We have a team of experts that will help you to learn yoga in an easy way. These are people who not only have the right experience and knowledge, but they are also passionate about teaching Yoga. With the guidance of our faculty, you can easily become confident in teaching yoga as you will learn all the aspects related to it in a better and effective way. 

How we can help you ?

We follow the way of teaching that can make it easy for you to understand the science of Yoga in a better and effective way. All our courses aim to help aspirants to become expert Yoga teachers. We can make it easy for you to understand all the aspects of yoga in a way less amount of time. All our courses are designed by the experts so that we can help our students to become yoga teachers.

You can get in touch with us today to know more about all the courses that we offer. This will help you to choose the course that will make it easy for you to kickstart your career in the field of Yoga.  The details of all the courses provided by us are also available online.

Our Yoga Pricing

Best Yoga Courses in Dehradun

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

Find 200 Hour yoga teacher training courses cost with certification with us. Yoga instructor training at best prices.

Daily Yoga Classes in Dehradun

200 Hour Yoga TTC


Non Residential Yoga

  • Duration - 25 days
  • Yoga Alliance USA TTC Certificate
  • Advance Yoga Asanas & Pranamyam
  • Meditation Class
  • Yoga Anatomy and Yoga Philosophy
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Hatha, Ashtanga Yoga
  • 1 Day Tour
  • Indian Students Only
Advance Yoga Course Dehradun

200 Hour Yoga TTC


Residential Yoga

  • Duration - 25 days
  • Yoga Alliance USA TTC Certificate
  • Advance Yoga Asanas & Pranamyam
  • Meditation Class
  • Yoga Anatomy and Yoga Philosophy
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Hatha, Ashtanga Yoga
  • 1 Day Tour
  • Indian Students Only


Our Upcoming sessions

Yoga Teacher Training - 2025 Dates

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

200 hour yoga teacher training course offered by Kunwar Yoga. Certified by Yoga Alliance, USA.

Sr. No Date Month Apply Online
1 7th April Book Now
2 5th May Book Now
3 2nd June Book Now
4 7th July Book Now
5 4th August Book Now
6 1st September Book Now
7 6th October Book Now
8 3rd November Book Now
9 1st December Book Now

Daily Schedule At Kunwar Yoga

Daily Schedule for 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

The 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training is thoughtfully designed to keep students engaged with the material throughout the day while also providing time for personal reflection and rest. This schedule strikes an ideal balance between theory and practice, ensuring that students stay refreshed and energized.The daily routine is organized as follows:

9.15 am - 10.15 am


10.30 am - 11.30 am

Yoga Philosophy

11.30 am - 12.00 pm


Daily Routine for a 200-Hour YTTC

A well-structured daily routine is the foundation of yoga courses at Kunwar Yoga, especially intensive programs like the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT). Our thoughtfully designed schedule ensures effective learning, cultivates discipline, and helps students seamlessly integrate yogic principles into their daily lives. By maintaining a balanced routine, students at Kunwar Yoga stay refreshed, energized, and fully focused throughout their journey.

Book Course Pay Course

12.00 pm - 01.00 pm

Asana Basic

01.00 pm - 02.00 pm

Asana Alignment and Adjustment


Class end

Guidelines to Follow with Kunwar Yoga

Instructions You Have To Follow With Kunwar Yoga

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training School in Dehradun

Important Instructions

  • The Kunwar Yoga School are dedicated to creating a more conscious and compassionate world.Our mission is to create a safe environment to promote spirituality, ethical behavior, respect and trust.
  • Students should maintain an atmosphere encouraging mutual respect, civil and congenial relationships and free from all forms of harassment and violence, where everyone can discuss their
    differences and exchange ideas openly, honestly and respectfully.
  • Photography, video, audio recording is not allowed during the classes without prior permission of the course director
  • During classes, let's stay away from mobile phones for external communication or social media usage. We want to create a positive and focused environment for everyone
  • Timeliness is crucial. All students must maintain punctuality for classes.

Evaluation And Certification

  • Assessment will be based on written assignment.
  • A student’s teaching (Asana, Pranayama, Meditation) will be a part of the assessment criteria.
  • Evaluation will be carried out only for those students who have a minimum of 80% attendance
  • Upon successful assessment, the student will receive a certificate accredited by Yoga Alliance,USA.
  • It's important to attend all classes, as we require a minimum of 80% attendance to issue your certificate.


  • Bear in mind that this is an intense teacher training program, demanding both physically and mentally and following these guidelines will help to create a positive and supportive environment for everyone.
  • By signing and submitting this application form the applicant confirms that he or she is in a fit state to follow the intensive training. If you have any doubts regarding your physical or mental fitness and
    health please check with us prior to submitting your application. By accepting your application we assume that you are physically and mentally fit and stable and not pregnant.
  • I affirm that the information provided on this application form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. False, incomplete, or misleading information is grounds for rejection of this application, expulsion from the program, or revocation of certification after completion of the program.
  • I confirm that I am in appropriate mental and physical health to be able to follow the course
  • I confirm that I have read and agreed on the Rules & Regulations, Refund policy, terms & conditions and liability waiver of Kunwar Yoga
  • I confirm that Kunwar Yoga does not Claim or guarantee the Job Placement or any job Assistance in India or in any foreign Nationals.


  • Disobeying the rules and regulations could result in termination of studentship with no refund of fees
  • 20% of total Fees Should be deposited in Advance, which is non-refundable for the Enrollment in Teacher Training 200 Hours Course before it Commence.
  • Full fees amount should be paid before Starting the Classes.
  • No Refund Shall be given after 7 days from the date Commencement of the Course.
  • No refund of Advance 20% of the total amount shall not be payable within week, if you want to opt out from the Course

YTTC Course Detail Summary

Course Syllabus - 200 Hour YTTC In Dehradun Uttarakhand

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

The following subjects are indicative of what you will study on this course:-


Anatomy SyllabusDeep insights into the inner workings of the human body


Philosophy SyllabusThe broader set of Vedic ideas that have influenced the development of modern Yoga


AsanaUnderstanding the right way to practice them and their benefits


Ashtanga SyllabusAshtanga Yoga blends breath, movement, and discipline for strength and mindfulness.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Syllabus

Syllabus Details: Yoga Teacher Training In Dehradun, India

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training School in Dehradun

Anatomy Syllabus

Mantras are sacred sounds, words, or phrases that are recited to attain spiritual attention. In other words, a mantra is a tool of the mind. It helps the mind focus better.
  • Importance of Yoga Anatomy and Injury in Yoga Classes.
  • Cells and Tissues
  • Skeletal System
  • Tendons and Cartilage
  • Muscles Basic
  • Respiratory System & effect of pranayama
  • Ayurveda
  • Mudras

Philosophy Syllabus

Mantra Chanting is a powerful tool that develops a spiritual connection inside you. It, in turn, creates a balance between the body, mind, and spirit.
  • Philosophy – Darshan
  • Main Division Of Indian Philosophy
  • Yog Philosophy- definitions
  • Major Branches of yog (Hath Yog ,Raj Yog ,Karm Yog, Bhakti Yog, Gyan Yoga)
  • Intro of Maharishi Patanjali & Patanjali Yog sutra ( first 14 sutra)
  • Concept of Panchkosha


Traditional Hatha Yoga sessions conducted by our school are a positive workout for one's physical and mental wellness. It originated years ago with the aim of attaining health and peace. The practice also benefits you with strength and flexibility.
    • PawanMuktasana series 1 (15 practices)
    • PawanMuktasana series 2 (10 practices)
    • PawanMuktasana series 3 (10 practices)
    • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
    • Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation)
    • Tadasana
    • Triyak Tadasana
    • Trikonasana
    • Parivritta Trikonasana
    • Utkatasana
    • Virabhadrasana 1
    • Virabhadrasana 2
    • Ardha Chandrasana
    • Vrikshasana
    • Parvatasana
    • Kati Chakrasana
    • Malasana
    • Garudasana
    • Baddha Konasana
    • Rajakapotasana
    • Bhujangasana
    • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
    • Matsyasana
    • Setu Bandhasana
    • Ustrasana
    • Dhanurasana
    • Salabhasana
    • Supta Virasana
    • Virasana
    • Gomukhasana
    • Balasana
    • Dandasana
    • Ardha Matsyendrasana
    • Sarpasana
    • Sirsasana
    • Halasana
    • Sarvangasana
    • Uttan Padasana
    • Simhasana
    • Vajrasana
    • Adho Mukha Svanasana

    Ashtanga Syllabus

    You have done practice sessions, but what about theory? It is also as important as practice sessions. You need to be theoretically aware of Hatha yoga and its elements to be able to practice it well.
      • Surya Namaskar A
      • Surya Namaskar B
      • Padangusthasana
      • Padahastasana
      • Utthita Trikonasana
      • Parivrtta Trikonasana
      • Utthita Parsvakonasana
      • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
      • Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C & D
      • Parsvottanasana
      • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A, B & C
      • Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
      • Utkatasana
      • Virabhadrasana A & B
      • Dandasana
      • Paschimottanasana A, B & C
      • Ardha Baddha Paschimottanasana
      • Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana
      • Janu Sirsasana A, B & C
      • Marichyasana A, B, C & D
      • Navasana
      • Bhujapidasana A & B
      • Kurmasana
      • Supta Kurmasana
      • Garbha Pindasana
      • Kukkutasana
      • Baddha Konasana A & B
      • Upavistha Konasana A & B
      • Supta Konasana A & B
      • Supta Padangusthasana
      • Ubhaya Padangusthasana
      • Purvottanasana
      • Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana
      • Setu Bandhasana
      • Urdhva Dhanurasana
      • Salamba Sarvangasana
      • Halasana
      • Karnapidasana
      • Urdhva Padmasana
      • Pindasana
      • Matsyasana
      • Uttana Padasana
      • Sirsasana
      • Urdhva Dandasana
      • Yoga Mudra
      • Utplutih
      • Savasana

What's more on Yoga Mat?

Other Yoga Teacher Training Programs In Dehradun, India

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

Kunwar Yoga is a renowned yoga school based in Dehradun, offering a wide range of yoga teacher training courses for students at all levels. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your skills to the master level, Kunwar Yoga provides the perfect environment to deepen your yoga practice.

100 Hour Yoga
100 Hour Yoga

Teacher Training Course

100 Hour Yoga
300 Hour Yoga

Teacher Training Course

100 Hour Yoga
500 Hour Yoga

Teacher Training Course

What Does A Student Get After The Completion Of The Course?

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

Once the student has completed the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun, they will be given a certificate from the institution. The certificate will have a record of the hours spent on the course and state the fact that they will be henceforth able to hold a license as a yoga teacher. The certificate is issued by the Yoga Alliance which is one of the biggest organizations that is involved in the yogic lifestyle for years and is highly recognized and authentic.


Activity During The Course

Outdoor Activities & Excursions - Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

Make your YTTC Journey memorable during our Yoga Teacher Training with activities like temple visits, waterfall trips, sunrise treks, Kirtan and more.

Buddha Temple
Maal Devta
Malsi Deer Park
Shikhar Waterfall
Tapkeshwar Temple

Our Expert Team of Teachers

Best Yoga Teachers in Dehradun, India

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training School in Dehradun

Kunwar Yoga Reviews

What Students Say About Kunwar Yoga

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

Reviewer Image


From France

The instructors are incredibly knowledgeable and supportive, and the peaceful environment of Dehradun made the learning process truly special.

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From USA

I specially thanks to Mr. Kunwar he is a good instructor. I have completed my 200 Hour Teacher Training Course here. Really it was a great experience for me.

Reviewer Image


From United Kingdom

The personalized guidance from the teachers helped me grow both as a practitioner and as a person. Thank you, Kunwar Yoga, for this amazing journey.

Study Material For 200 Hour YTTC

Free Yoga Books PDF Collection

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

Graduate Success Stories

Hear from Our Yoga Teacher Training Graduates

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun

Questions You May Have

Some Doubts You May Have Before Joining Our Yoga Teacher Training Course

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training School in Dehradun

You will need a tourist visa. Please check with your local embassy or consulate for the application process.

No prior experience is required, but an interest in yoga is essential.

Yes, our course is certified by the Yoga Alliance USA.

Yes, after successfully completing the course, you will be ready to start teaching yoga.

Absolutely. This internationally recognized certification enables you to teach yoga in any part of the world.

No, there are no age or body restrictions for enrolling in this course.

Not at all. Many students join the training to deepen their personal yoga practice. It’s an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge and experience, even if you don’t plan to teach.

Upon successfully completing the course, you will be qualified to teach Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Vinyasa Yoga, Power Yoga, and Restorative Yoga.

You only need to bring your confidence and interest to learn. We will provide a yoga mat for your use during the course, but you are welcome to bring your mat if you prefer.

Bring comfortable practice clothing that allows for easy movement. When visiting temples or holy places, it’s important to wear attire that covers your shoulders and knees as a mark of respect.

The main differences lie in the course structure and the depth of study. The 300-hour course goes beyond the foundational teachings of the 200-hour course, offering more advanced practices and knowledge.

Yes, spiritual practice is an integral part of the course.

Yes, Sundays are free days for rest and exploration.

Yes, you can enroll. However, we recommend consulting your doctor before joining the course and informing us about your condition during registration.

You can enroll, but it’s essential to consult your doctor or physician beforehand, as participation will depend on the type and severity of your injury.

We accept credit card payments for booking amounts. The remaining fees can be paid in cash. If you choose to pay the remaining amount by credit card, a 4% transaction fee will apply. Alternatively, you can withdraw cash using ATM debit cards (Master/Visa/Electron) in Dehradun.

Yes, you can purchase a local sim card. You will need to provide your passport as identification.

While it’s not mandatory, we highly recommend getting travel insurance for your safety and peace of mind.

If you get sick, you can easily visit a doctor. Medical expenses in India are much lower than in Western countries. Additionally, a staff member from the school will accompany you to help with any necessary translations.

Vaccinations are not required. However, we recommend consulting your doctor before your trip to ensure you are well-prepared.

To confirm your seat for the 200-Hour Yoga TTC in Dehradun, please fill out the Registration Form on our website. Once submitted, we will get back to you with further details.

Enquiry Form

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun